BUILDING HISTORY – Forschungeschichte on the Ancient Near East
University of Verona 28th-29th May 2014 – Aula seminari
Scientific Organization: Simonetta Ponchia – Walther Sallaberger;
Workshop Office: Silvia Gabrieli – Luigi Turri
La giornata è aperta alla partecipazione dei Dottorandi e a quanti fossero interessati
Wednesday, 28th May 2014
3.30 PM – Introduction to the Workshop
Simonetta Ponchia
Notes on the Study of Literary Texts.
Walther Sallaberger
Laying the Foundations for Scholarly Work: The Publication of Sumerian Economic Documents.
Coffee Break
5.00 PM – Geographical and Archaeological Research
Livia Gervasi
The Post-Akkadian Period in the Khabur Area: an Archaeological and Historical Problem.
Luigi Turri
Changing Toponyms: the Names of the Orontes.
Katharina Schmidt
Vitreous Materials in the History of Archaeological Research.
Marco Iamoni
Social Complexity and Family Complexity. The Formation of Urban society in Upper Mesopotamia
8.00 PM – DinnerThursday, 29th May 2014
9.00 AM – Medicine and Magic
Beatrice Baragli
Modern Scholars and the Ancient Insane: Towards a Research History of Psychiatric Interpretation of Mesopotamian Sources.
Silvia Salin
Approaching Medical Texts: Methodological Notes.
Gioele Zisa
Releasing the libbu of the Man and the Woman: Towards a Forschungsgeschichte of a Sexual Obsession – ŠÀ.ZI.GA Spells and Rituals.
Hannelore Agnethler
The Akkadian Incantation Prayer: A History of Research on Defining and Analyzing the Genre.
Coffee Break
11.00 AM – Images of Power
Silvia Gabrieli
The Creative Power of Word: Preliminary Notes on a Research Project on Literary Texts.
Sophie Cohen
Urnamma: the Death of a King in the Life of Modern Research.
Jennifer Finn
Polemics on Polemics: Recent Scholarly Trends in the Search for Dissenting Voices in Ancient Mesopotamia.
1.00 PM – Lunch
3.00 PM (Aula 1.2) – General Discussion
Mario Fales – Conclusions
Coffee BreakSpecial Events: Reading the sources in different ways
5.00 PM (Aula 1.2) – Carmen Covito
“Cold Cases”: romanzare l’antichità.
8.00 PM – Buffet Dinner
9.00 PM (Milk Center) – Ludovica Fales
Letters from Palestine (documentary)
Carmen Covito is a writer and a translator. She is the author of many novels, among them the best-selling La bruttina stagionata (Single in the German translation).
Her love for Agatha Christie brought her in Syria, where she found the ispiration to write a detective story set on a very pictoresque archaeological excavation (La rossa e il nero).
In the last few years she has written a couple of witty historical short novels, too: Le ragazze di Pompei, a sort of female Satyricon, and Il processo di Giusta, a judicial proceeding set in Ercolano.
We all belong to a past – a past that can bury us unless we excavate it.
A journey into the unresolved questions of the Middle Eastern Conflict and into the death of a man in the 1920s who believed in the dream of a land shared by Arabs, Jews and Christians. Imagine discovering an unsolved family mystery in your great-grandfather’s letters – a mystery nobody in your family wants to talk about. Angelo Levi Bianchini set out for Palestine on a diplomatic mission in the 1920s and never came back. His story is reconstructed by Ludovica Fales – through his letters and a journey on his steps.
(Letters From Palestine, 2011, 35 mins)